



god fish

It’s not what you KNOW that counts; it’s what you DO with it.

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In the beginning was

the why and wherefore




The full-length, wonderful creation story of HOW the gods in the firmament created a replica of themselves: MAN (LULLU), who would toil, grow food for them to eat on earth is at New&Noteworthy 2017: History begins at Sumer—when the gods had to toil for food. LIVING MAN was created from dust of the ground and the flesh (spirit) and blood of a sacrificed god. Living Man was: a memorial to the slain god and his spirit.



The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the “breath of life” and the man became a LIVING BEING. [Gen. 2:7].

     By the sweat of your brow you will EAT YOUR FOOD until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return. [Gen. 3:19]

stele hammurabi

[I have inscribed on my stele my precious words: In order to give justice . . . ]


JUDAISM became a religion (their version) of REVEALED LAW adapted from the stone- stele of LAWS issued by famous King Hammurabi of Mesopotamia. After Moses and the Israelites fled Egypt, rituals and laws for daily life, TEN COMMANDMENTS, were given on two stone tablets to Moses by their God. Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 14—You shall have no other gods before/besides me.

EXODUS 13:19—MOSES took the Hebrews, the twelve tribes of Israel, as well as “the bones of Joseph” out of Egypt—to take them to the Promised Land by command of their God.

EXODUS 23:31—I will establish your borders: from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines [Mediterranean] and from the desert to the River [Euphrates]. I will hand over to you the people who live in the land and you will drive them out before you.

     Tehrah, grandson Lot, son Abram and wife Sarai set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to CANAAN, but when they came to Haran they settled there. [Gen. 11:31] I am the Lord who brought you out of UR OF THE CHALDEANS to give you the land to take possession of [Gen. 15:7]: establishing Abraham and Lot in the Iron Age.

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the bread and butter of the Jewish God.

Starting with Exodus 7—Aaron’s staff becomes a snake; numerous plagues:

frogs, gnats, flies, boils, hail, locusts, and so on.

But the greatest miracle was that:

Moses lived in the late Bronze Age [circa 1200-bce] and

Abraham and Lot lived in the Iron Age [circa 700-bce]

587 BCE: the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed by the Chaldean King Nebuchadnezzar. 2 Kings 24:14—He carried into exile all Jerusalem. Jeremiah 52:30—there were 4,600 people in all. Jeremiah 27—Judah to serve Nebuchadnezzar.

Psalm 137—By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered ZION.

538 BCE: Babylon fell to Cyrus the Persian [Isaiah: 45] and the Jewish people were allowed to return to Jerusalem. According to the Torah, Isaiah lived in the 8th century-bce. He predicted (clairvoyance?) the fall of Babylon by Cyrus!

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Is man’s future on Earth at stake?




We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking

if mankind is to survive


In a country once known as the Holy Land (Christian Crusaders) two countries were “founded” after the Second World War: ISRAEL and PALESTINE. This decision created a war that is still “ongoing”.


Exodus 20:

You shall have no other gods before (besides) me . . .

The god of Jacob (Israel) proclaims this land as


on a scroll written in the IRON AGE.

Isaiah 26:19

Your dead will live; their bodies will rise


The Promise of an Afterlife




Stars in the firmament

Belief that a dead king becomes a star and the star a SOUL

In the beginning was superstition:

the belief in spirits everywhere

For our ancestors everyday was a battle to be overcome as everywhere danger lurked. They feared being eaten by animals once they were dead. Somehow, they assumed that animals had superior powers caused by spirits: invisible evil things. Eventually they endowed these spirits with something special: a soul. The soul’s home was inside the body.




from the beginning “I” (the human being) exist and continues when “I” die.


blue lotus

In ancient Egypt people worshiped animal gods. God Anubis had a jackal-head, Horus an eagle-head, and goddess Hathor had a cow-head. They believed that after death the soul continued life and left for ANOTHER WORLD. The blue lotus flower symbolized rebirth because it was the oldest known plant: the child of prehistoric water. The priesthood built mortuaries to commemorate ETERNAL LIFE. God Nefertem was overseer of the soul’s passage to their end station. At a holy shrine at Abydos, a royal cemetery, a month-long festival was celebrated: the Death and Resurrection of Osiris, god of the dead, the “judge” who welcomed souls.

     The pyramids in Egypt were built to testify that pharaoh’s rebirth was secured and he would join the gods in the firmament.



It was the Iron Age in the Near/Middle East where great changes happened: invasions from the north and east. These peoples brought with them new ideas and new customs, thereby competing with existing religions; the worship of gods changed. Cultures that were once isolated from each other now met and mingled. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos [570—490-bce] was the teacher of Socrates who, in turn, was Plato’s teacher and whose disciple was Aristotle, mentor to Alexander the Great. In a way, it was the era of a revolution of the minds.

The most profound change was the introduction by Zarathustra of AHURA MAZDA, god of the Persian King Cyrus the Great. Cyrus supplanted the Chaldean Babylonian rulers [538 bce] and established an empire stretching from the Caspian Sea in the north, to Kazakhstan in the east, to the Arabian Peninsula, to Egypt, and to the west to Anatolia (Turkey) until reaching Greece. His battles with Athens are memorable: they are historic! PERSEPOLIS (southern Iran) became the ceremonial seat of the Persian kings.

color zoroaster

Zarathustra lived circa 800-bce

Emblem: Fravahar the bird-man

The followers of Prophet ZARATHUSTRA are known as



Righteousness: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

This religion introduced a battle between god Ahura Mazda (LIGHT) and his nemesis Angra Mainyu/Ahriman (DARKNESS): the struggle between good and bad. The concept of free choice was important. Seven archangels, (Isaiah 6:23-seraphims) messengers, guardians to mankind, praised Ahura Mazda. People who fought on the side of good could hope that after death their soul would enter the ABODE OF LIGHT. They would cross a bridge guarded by two dogs and sprout wings like birds and fly to heaven: LIVING FOREVER. Those who had done evil would drop into an abyss: hell.

The “idea” of good and evil, and heaven and hell, became a source for other religions. Priests, known as MAGI, were stargazers: astronomy flourished. Divination: they predicted events to come. Good luck charms were sold to ward off the evil eye. Spells were created for melting a lover’s heart.

Magic and Miracles—the handmaidens of SUPERSTITION.

iran zoroaster stone altars



Email your feedback about the story to the author at rosecamelia@verizon.net.



The largest Buddhist stupa in the Western world was dedicated on October 4th, 2003 in Benalmadina, Costa del Sol, Spain.


[2ND century ce]

Not least for those who are called foreigners, for they are not foreigners. For, while the various segments of the EARTH give different people a different country, the whole compass of this world gives all people a single country, the entire EARTH, and a single home.



Alexander’s empire included Afghanistan and northern India. The religious thoughts of the conquered peoples, HINDUISM and BUDDHISM, were brought to the west by Greek soldiers returning home.

The practice of dying through MEDITATION

     Buddhists believe in the soul’s reincarnations until it reaches eternal enlightenment:

free from earthly attachments, free from suffering, the soul is at PEACE: NIRVANA.



lord of the dance

Lord of the dance: Shiva

Shiva is the deity who destroys the cosmos

so that it can be renewed again.

The endless cycles of TIME

Hindus believe that the (free) soul—ATMAN—is neither born nor dies. Atman is a force, the flame of life: the creative principle. Reincarnation of the soul into an animal, plant or person depended on how one behaved on earth. This religion developed, divided, into a caste system for reasons of “purity”. A “fire” cult (cremation), it accepts statues of deities from other faiths.

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Romans under Pompey enter Jerusalem. Judea becomes a Roman province.

In Rome, the Greek deities received new names: Hermes became Mercury. People flocked to Rome and continued worshiping their own gods.


Jesus of Nazareth crucified at Jerusalem [INRI]= Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews


Destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.


Jerusalem destroyed; rebuilt as Aelia Capitolina.






All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Whoever acknowledges me before men,

I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.

The Jesus-movement spread a new message. Apostles, messengers of Jesus, taught that Jesus was LOVE: he was the morning star and the evening star. [Venus] ‘For this reason the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil’. [1 John 3:8] The followers, poor people, needed hope; their lives were hard, hell on earth.

The apostle Peter told the followers: ‘for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls’. [1 Peter 1:9]

The Christian message was that the hereafter was the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Jewish priesthood rejected Jesus as the Messiah. This rejection became a blessing to the world. Instead of worshiping the Roman god Mars, we today explore the heavens and have landed on Mars!



At the Council of Nicaea (near Istanbul) Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official, ruling religion. He summoned Christian leaders at Nicaea to discuss doctrines. Arianism was heatedly debated: God is unique! The Son cannot be God. The Son is a creature, he had a beginning. He is finite. He’s inferior to the Father!

So, in 382 at the Council of Rome the doctrine of the Trinity was settled: the Holy Spirit declared equal in essence or substance to the Son and the Father. The three are one essence but distinct from one another, equal in eternity and power.

Pope Damasus approved the books of the New Testament Bible.

Jerome went to Jerusalem to translate the Greek Septuagint Bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate.



[founded in 387—bce]

The development of a religious melting pot, pagan influence, was discouraged by Emperor Justinian.

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     [This decision was the start of the MIDDLE AGES in the west. The Academy’s philosophers/professors fled to Persia: the east. They revered Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle and continued teaching their wisdom: thereby influencing “new-upcoming” prophets.

These new-begotten prophets founded new religions: Resurrection gave way to reincarnation. Some of these “cocktail” religions have survived until today. The Yazidi of Iraq believe in reincarnation; their emblem is a peacock. The Alawites of Syria and the Alevis of Turkey (Shi’a rooted) believe in reincarnation; unlike orthodox Islam. The Druze of Lebanon, their religion is fascinating; though its origin is Shi’a, they accept the Hindu idea that the soul (Atman) is neither born nor dies. Babies must be born in Lebanon because reincarnation happens through/via them.

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I was curious to know what Plato had to say about “the” SOUL. So I read his famous book The Republic—better understood today as State or Society.

     Homer was revered and quoted. On Death: no longer do the sinews hold the bones and the flesh. When first the spirit has abandoned the white bones and the soul flies off (flutters) like a dream . . .

     Plato believed that from the beginning of time the soul existed. The question was: for what reason—why—it entered the body? And: how was it possible that it had “some pre-existent knowledge”? Well, the soul must have had a “pre-existent life”!

     It was the Iron Age when Plato wrote this. He thought that pre-existent knowledge had somehow to do with “inherited memory”: it was in the bones. If spirit was in the bones, then the soul was in the flesh; blood, circulating in the body, was soul. That’s why in those days it was so important for a man to be buried by his children; no offspring, he no longer had his soul. [the Drama of MEDEA; bloodline terminated--DNA]

     The immortality of the soul in the afterlife is revealed in The Myth of Er. The free soul of the living (non-physical mode of existence) continued as the soul of the dead but had to pursue an afterlife.

PLATO: “Music heals”

Music is a moral law.

It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,

and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.

Music is balm to the soul.

stars bouquet

GALEN of Pergamon [Physician]


The immortal soul is in the empty spaces of the head

VICTOR HUGO [1802—1885]

The soul has illusions as the bird has wings: it is supported by them.

THOMAS HOBBES [1588—1679]

Soul is a delusion

SIGMUND FREUD [1856—1939]

Illusions command themselves to us because they save us pain—and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. So, accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a ‘bit’ of reality against which they are dashed to pieces.

Today in America, we worship in Christian churches, synagogues, Mormon temples, mosques, Meeting Houses: Quakers & Baha’i, Sikh temples, Buddhist stupa, Zoroastrian temple (Chicago), and the many esoteric religions founded since the 16th century with their places of worship.

What they all have in common is the belief that

we, earthlings, are created


the miracle of resurrection


rebirth through reincarnation

stars bouquet

I have a body but I am not my body.

I have feelings but I am not my feelings. There is in me a state of feeling.

I have a mind but I am not that mind.

The body, the feelings and the mind are

instruments of experiences, perceptions and actions.

The I is simple, unchanging, constant and self-conscious

through the instrumentality of the breath-of-life


Email your feedback about the story to the author at rosecamelia@verizon.net.


angel on cloud






I am floating on Cloud Nine as I look down at planet Earth.

“Fellow Americans, I’ve just been told by Stellar Operations that we’ve got ninety days to live,” Barry King announces on television. “On May six, a new and rare super magnetic comet will hit Bermuda. Will we be wiped out? How many of us will survive?”

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I, Angel Agapanthus, laugh at what Barry declares. Destroying planets and their populations is a fantasy. It would mean the end of angels in heaven! In our divine kingdom, where there are no boundaries, we angels know that Lord God has no intention of wiping out people on any planet. God loves angels.

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What are you going to do,” Barry says, “with your ninety days?” He leans toward the camera. “Fellow Americans, experts from Stellar Operations will explain it all tonight! I urge everyone to watch my show. I promise it will be mind-blowing.”

baby angel

I, Angel Agapanthus,, sigh. On planet Earth learned men say that what happens here in heaven does not really exist. It is a mistake to believe in angels. That believing is not a guarantee that we exist in reality. They say that belief is thicker than critical thinking.—I take a cloud cushion and lean on it to be more comfortable.—Earthlings . . . I know that I am not a mind without form. I am not an ethereal breath. I have a human shape. I confirm that I can see, hear, and feel. And that heaven has no boundaries. Only foolish people doubt this.

I look down. In Brazil a priest, holding a huge cross, shouts: ‘Will the sun and the moon be darkened? Will the stars fall from the sky and the planets shake?’ I shake my head. Was it Jeremiah the herald who gave air to this nonsense?

I turn toward New York City. I see swarms of loony earthlings at the United Nations. They are running amok, like ants! In frenzy they call airlines to book reservations to their countries. Oooh . . . look at what’s going on at Wall Street! Directors at the most prestigious investment firm say that paper money will be worthless. Buy gold and silver. An earthling yells that there’s no business without electricity so buy electric companies. Others shout that when computers are dead we’ll be back to zero: the Stone Age. A savvy earthling flips a switch and all is dark. He yells that this is just a sample of what’s in store.

I, Angel Agapanthus, smile. We in heaven know that Lord God loves angels. I’ll take a nap until it’s time to watch the Barry Show. I wet my lips—it should be illuminating . . .

engel auf wolke


From Cloud Nine, I, Angel Agapanthus, tune in and see that around the globe television screens blink like Christmas lights. It’s a very pretty sight.

     Barry King faces the camera. He wears my favorite blue shirt with white collar and a sublime navy tie with yellow stars. On the screen behind him are posted twelve telephone lines: on the left six for America, and on the right six for foreign countries. “Fellow Americans,” he says in a grave voice, “and fellow earthlings. Tonight my show will run for three hours. Give us a ring and we’ll answer questions.” He turns to a panel of men.

     “These Stellar Operations experts, Frank, John and Charles, will explain what to expect on May six when this new-begotten comet will hit Bermuda. I’ve been told that most of the human race will likely be wiped out. Frank,”—he addresses the young guy with a crew cut—“what exactly is a rare super magnetic comet. Can you say it in plain English?”

     “This unheard-of comet is super new,” says Frank, “though comets have been around for ages. The Chinese have produced annals going back for a long time. They regarded them with suspicion.”

     “So, what’s new, folk?” Barry interrupts. “Our forefathers already mistrusted comets.”

     Frank swallows; his Adam’s apple moves prominently. “Ancient people associated plague, famine and war with comets when they appeared in the sky. In Roman times the philosopher Seneca regarded them as true celestial bodies. Others guessed that comets were atmospheric exhalations.” Frank’s nostrils quiver—like a bunny. “Thanks to a 16th century Danish astronomer by the name of Tycho Brahe it was established that comets are more remote than the moon, and therefore must be regarded as heavenly bodies. So . . . a comet is a heavenly body consisting of gasses and a solid block, about half a kilometer in diameter, revolving around the sun. And while it sweeps across the skies it produces a tail, sometimes even two or more. In Asia a comet is called a besom star because the tail resembles a sweeping broom as the comet moves across the constellations.” Frank wets his lips. “Meteor swarms, also known as shooting stars, are regarded as a comet’s offspring. John,”—he nods at his colleague—“how about telling them out there what this huge super cannon ball is going to do to Bermuda?”

     John, middle-aged and chubby, stares at the camera. He now has the task to tell the truth in plain English. He clears his throat. His hazel eyes narrow when he says in a throaty voice: “This huge cannon ball will land on Bermuda with a big bang!” His fist hits the air. “Bermuda will be squashed to the bottom of the ocean floor.” He takes a deep breath. “Like mountains, walls of water will move across the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal areas will sink. Mountain tops, like those of Appalachia, will become islands. Western Europe, Ireland and England will be run over by water as if the Mongol army has laid waste to everything. Disaster is the word.” He stops; perspiration hugs his upper lip. “Except for countries like Norway, the Pyrenees, Alps, the Caucasus, Himalayas, and so on, mountain ranges will become islands . . . chains of islands!” John takes a deep breath, then whispers, “It reminds me of the story of Atlantis, a Greek island that disappeared mysteriously.”

     “Atlantis became famous,” Charles shouts as he cranes his neck toward the camera, “because according to legend it was consumed by fire. It was a volcanic eruption, and the ashes were blown to the four corners of the earth.”

     “Fearful prediction; I’m scared of fire,” Barry says, clasping his hands.

     Looking straight into the camera, Charles says in a firm voice: “Marie Curie said that nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood.”

     “In that case,” Barry says, “people living on mountains have a chance to live.” He turns around and points toward the screen. “The first caller to ask a question is from Bermuda.”

     “Hello!” An agitated voice emanates from the screen. “I’m Joseph Adam of the Bermuda weather channel. We are petrified hearing what’s in store for us, if indeed”—Joseph swallows audibly—“this new-begotten super magnetic cannon ball will destroy us in ninety days. You experts predict we’ll not sink but . . . we’ll be ashed . . . incinerated like those of Atlantis?”

     “Brimstones from the skies,” Frank shouts, his Adam’s apple jumps up and down like a yo-you, “Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped from the map!”

     “Frank,” Charles says, “that was an act of God.”

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I, Angel Agapanthus, fold my hands; knowing this to be true. Those unsavory Sodomites had to be wiped out.

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I think”—Frank sniffles—“Bermuda may be Armageddon.”

“Nonsense,” John says, nodding at Barry.

“Next caller,” Barry orders.

baby angel

Across the screen a message informs the viewers that riots have begun; people everywhere are hoarding food. Looters enter supermarkets, gunning down anyone in their way.

baby angel

     “Hello! I’m Joe Stone, a realtor in Hawaii. I predict that treatises between countries will be nullified when people grab land. I urge those who can afford it to settle in the Swiss Alps. Mount Ararat will be a safe place; Noah landed there. In Africa, Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain, will be a good idea for those with fewer funds. And take your fur coat along when you move to the Himalayas!”

baby angel

Across the screen a message informs the viewers that people on starvation diets to stay slim and healthy are now binging on ice cream, chocolates, vodka and vino—anything that makes them feel happy. Credit card orders are having a hay-day.

baby angel

     “Hello! India calling! I am Dupak, a scientist. It is possible that this new-begotten comet may bypass our planet and circle between Earth and Mercury. This could mean a nuclear winter. Tropical zones will have four seasons. Our motto for survival will be: adapt or die.”

     The Stellar Operations experts nod their heads vigorously.

     “Hello there! I am James Hall, a journalist presently living in Wellington, New Zealand. A friend in Austin, Texas wrote me that astronomers often predict events using their imagination, and that this new-begotten comet is one of these fantastic ideas. Charles, I would like your input.”

     Charles folds his hands. “Speculation has always been the bread and butter of scientists,” he says, cracking his knuckles. “Galileo started rolling the ball.”

     “The church fathers put the kibosh on poor Galileo!” Barry shouts.

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I, Angel Agapanthus, know that scientists like to speculate so people fear the unknown. A good dose of fear makes them slaves of rules made up by prophets and rulers.

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     “Hello, you experts! I am Emily and live in the Bible belt. My good book teaches that repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in the name of Jesus to all nations beginning at Jerusalem. And then the end will come!”

     Barry looks at the experts for input. In unison they bow their heads and fold their hands.

     The phone rings.

     “Hi! I’m Shurli Schmidt in Salt Lake City, Utah. Men of doom and gloom have always shouted from the rooftops that the end is coming and that it will be violent. There will be no destruction of our planet Earth, believe me! Once Israel rules as a distinct nation . . . everyone, yes everyone will go to heaven peacefully.”

     “Everyone will go,” Frank shouts, “because our universe is infinite!”

     “It constantly is expanding,” John says with a nod.

     “In that case”—Barry sits up straight—“where in our constantly expanding, infinite universe is heaven located?”

     “The body does not die,” Charles says. He points toward the screen. “There’s only an exchange of atoms: from dust to dust. Nothing is born and nothing is dead.” He looks straight into the camera when he proclaims: “From the beginning of time we were star dust!”

engel auf wolke

I, Angel Agapanthus, afloat on Cloud Nine, sigh because earthlings puzzle over Christians celebrating on December 25 the birth of Jesus Christ, the messiah, while Jews are still waiting for their king to appear in Jerusalem. Voices deliberate to exchange the word CHRISTMAS with the word SANTAFERIA: a global feast for children of all races. The beloved “Christmas tree”—an evergreen tree—is in northern climes a pine or in a pinch a holly. In tropical climates it can be the palm, mango, pomegranate, or banana . . . tree.

     Jewish infant Jesus in a CRADLE will morph into a super-decorated STROLLER; the “stroller infant” is surrounded by children of every color including the “rainbow-kids”. Suitable animals are: for snowy/cold zones the reindeer, in subtropical places the donkey/camel, and in tropical areas the dog/cat. Children love animals; they love going to parties.

     The famous wise men, kings, will join jolly white-bearded SANTA wearing gloves deliver the gifts—starting December 25th until January 6th. Countries can select their SANTAFERIA DAY, and their mode of transportation delivering the gifts to suit their culture and climate.

Do I hear correctly . . . Plato had said that the man who invented God was a wise man?

I roll my eyes when someone says that life is a prison without escape. A man shouts back that the way to survive this life is to open your mind, your window, and let imagination take over. I agree!

In Switzerland they are debating whether religion is fiction or non-fiction! I laugh—with earthlings everything is attitude: the glass is half full or half empty.

The name Erasmus of Rotterdam is mentioned. This 16th century Catholic priest/theologian proposed that religion is the cult of the invisible . . .

on cloud three

I’m letting you in on a secret:


Yes, I, Angel Agapanthus . . .

I am a trail-blazer!







a ratatouille of . . . observations!

Email your feedback about the story to the author at rosecamelia@verizon.net.








