This is a biography of John Chapman (1774-1845), a Swedenborgian evangelist, known as JOHNNY APPLESEED.
John Pitcairn of Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, is mentioned (page 118); his sons built on their estate the famous New Church Cathedral (see New & Noteworthy—2016). I wrote to the author‘s agent (The Sagalyn Literary Agency) if they would be interested in representing my religious novel The Blue Mirror—also about Emanuel Swedenborg. Author Howard Means focused entirely on Heaven and Hell, in those days an immensely popular book; though Swedenborg wrote about many other heavenly subjects—The Earths in The Starry Heaven, and Their Inhabitants—which I discuss at length in my novel.
Helen Keller (1880-1968), a famous Swedenborgian, wrote My Religion; published in 1927 by Doubleday & Co.

available as e-book at
Chapter 2: "God was born on our Earth because we know how to write. I know everything there is to know about God because I read all the books," the bishop said."A religion cannot become a global faith without books to teach."
1688 — 1772